Counting the Number of Selected Cells in Excel

Ever found yourself wondering how many cells you’ve selected in Excel? Whether you’re organizing data, performing calculations, or formatting your spreadsheet, knowing the number of selected cells can be incredibly useful. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to quickly count the number of selected cells in Excel.

Steps to Count the Number of Selected Cells:

  1. Using the Status Bar:
    • One of the easiest ways to count the number of selected cells is by looking at the status bar at the bottom of the Excel window.
    • Simply select the range of cells you’re interested in, and the count of selected cells will appear in the bottom right corner of the status bar.
  2. Using the COUNT Function:
    • If you need a more precise count that you can use in formulas or calculations, you can use the COUNT function.
    • Type “=COUNT(” into any empty cell.
    • Then, select the range of cells you want to count.
    • Finally, press Enter. Excel will automatically count the number of selected cells and display the result.
  3. Using the COUNTA Function:
    • Similar to the COUNT function, you can also use the COUNTA function to count non-empty cells within a selected range.
    • First type “=COUNTA(” into any empty cell.
    • Then select the range of cells you want to count.
    • Press Enter to get the count of non-empty cells in the selected range.

Pro Tips:

  • To quickly select a large range of cells, click on the first cell, hold down the Shift key, and then click on the last cell in the range.
  • You can also use keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + A to select the entire worksheet or Ctrl + Shift + 8 to select the current region (a block of contiguous data).